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One of the best ways that you can give back to the Amateur Radio community and help it continue to grow is by becoming a Volunteer Examiner and assisting with exam sessions which allow others more opportunities to get their Amateur Radio license or upgrade their license.

The FCC requires three certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) observe applicants taking the exam.  Exam sessions can be offered in several different forms. Two of the ways that we offer exam sessions is in-person paperless exam sessions and online/remote exam sessions.

Any General, Advanced or Amateur Extra class licensed Amateur Radio operator can become a Volunteer Examiner. Your license class will determine which exam sessions you are allowed by the FCC to monitor, however we have other duties that we need assistance with as part of the VE Team that do not depend on your license class, so everyone can find a way to help out.

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner and being part of the HERO VE Team, you only have to follow the simple steps listed below:

  1. Review the Volunteer Examiner Manual. (While the W4VEC VE Manual is being written we are using the ARRL VE Manual)

  2. Complete the our Open-Book Examination online. When you are ready to take the exam Contact Us and a link to the exam will be emailed to you. It will be immediately graded when you have finished. A minimum of 85% of required.

  3. Complete and sign the W4VEC VE application form.

  4. Email a PDF or scanned JPEG image of the completed and signed VE Application to Mail@HERO.Radio

If you are currently a VE accredited by another VEC and would like to join the HERO VE Team, contact us and we can walk you through the very easy process of becoming accredited with us.

Once we receive your signed VE Application and you successfully complete the Open-Book Examination online the VE Team Senior Session Manager will contact you to discuss your application submission and answer any questions that you may have about becoming a VE with our team. As a new VE, the Session Manager will take you under his wing and guide you as you become an effective VE Team member.

I hope you will answer the call to help those seeking their ticket to take their exam. Become a VE Today!


© 2022 Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc. 

Phone: 1-808-800-4387      Fax: 1-808-400-8046

FEIN:  88-1206099

Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

and is registered with the Hawaii Attorney General as a public charity for fundraising.


Website Designed and Maintained by WH6FQE

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